
To order

Unique designs that are not in the store's offer can be ordered directly by contacting me. It is about shrines, bread molds, Bonsai pots, sushi sets, platters, plates and bowls made to measure ... as well as any project dedicated to your interior, which you dream about or which has been designed especially for you, but you do not know where to buy. Write to me, call me, find me on Social Media - we will design and choose the type of clay, glaze and colors together. Feel free to create unique projects together.

Chapels of Santa Maria

The passion for creating chapels was born from the passion for molding in clay and DIY. And above all, for the love of Mary. For many years, together with my husband, Marcin Żebrowski, we collected pieces of old wood from Kashubian cottages and old tenement houses, which we visited while traveling around Poland and not only :) These beautiful, old oak roofs, often abandoned for modernity, did not allow us to pass by indifferently. The statue of Santa Maria is made of clay, fired and glazed twice, and then planted on these precious pieces of wood, and so it falls into the hands of those who have such a desire. Each chapel is priced individually, mainly due to the origin of the wood, its age, the conservation process and the technique of its processing.

Prosta Ceramika

Tworzę ceramikę użytkową, zastawę stołową, naczynia kuchenne i dekoracyjne. Sam proces jest powolny i pełen uważności.

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